LOCATION: Northwest Austin
SIZE: 15' x 21'
The EM&P is a freelanced railroad set in the 1954 Pacific Northwest. This multi-level helix-connected
layout is loosely based on a John Armstrong plan in the February 1995 Model Railroader. Mainline
track work, a 200-car 8-track video-monitored stanging yard, and about 3/4 of the scenery are done.
All structures are in place, complete with appropriate lighting and some with special sound effects.
SIZE: 15' x 21'

The Deer Creek and Northern RR interchange, yard, and engine facilities are now fully operational and detailed. Current focus is on another interchange on the upper deck with the Sandy River Transportation Company, a short line serving several industries and a logging operation.
The layout is located above a garage and access is limited to people able to negotiate a pull-down attic stairway.