LOCATION: South Austin
SIZE: 11' x 5'
OPERATING SESSIONS: Monthly on a Sunday afternoon
This is an HO scale, “what might have been” freelanced railroad serving our two regional towns and a
couple shippers in between. It is a shelf switching layout running halfway around a spare bedroom
-- and a great example of how you can fit a lot of great model railroading into a small space!
SIZE: 11' x 5'
OPERATING SESSIONS: Monthly on a Sunday afternoon
Three-track, removable sector plates at both ends provide staging. The scenery seeks to capture the spirit of the two towns and connecting country rather than specific scenes, and is now 100% complete! Most structures are kitbashed or scratch built. Track is largely handlaid code 70. One set of rolling stock and vehicles represents the early 70's, and another set represents the early 50's. Operations run on traditional DC cab control, and uses car cards and a schedule of short trains to keep two crews happily busy.
And in case you're wondering about the two "ands" in the name...when the railroad was formed oh those many years ago, the name was just "Austin & Taylor". Unfortunately, that wasn't very attractive to investors, but the money came pouring in once "& Pacific" was tacked on!
The railroad is controlled with DCC with sound. (Steve says, "Once you try it, there's no going back...")
(Regular division meeting attendees will spot several models Steve has brought to Show-and-Tell over the years!)

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