LOCATION: Northwest Austin
The BJ&C Railroad is a G scale garden railroad built on the side of a hill that wraps
around a gazebo to provide an excellent viewing platform. The trains are operated using
NCE DCC. The turnouts are air operated with some automation in the turnout control.
The railroad operates on 3 tracks. The lower track is a 94-foot long, semi-figure 8, with one loop going through an 8 foot tunnel cut through solid rock. The second track is a 118-foot dog bone with a double crossover in the middle. One of the loops passes over the cuts leading to the tunnel with 2 bridges.
The third track has 239 feet of track in a bent dog bone. One loop passes over track 1 and the second loop passes over track 2. There are several bridges requires to elevate track 3 over track 2. A double siding and a crossover allows direction reversal of the train. Tracks 2 and 3 cross, which requires close attention by the engineers.